Super-Pro 39% Range (33lb Block)
Super-Pro 39% Range (33lb Block)

- Availability: CALL TO ORDER
Cottonseed Meal, Calcium Carbonate, Salt, Cane Molasses, Urea, Wheat Midds, Mono-Calcium Phosphate, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Potassium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Magnesium Oxide, Iron Oxide, Sodium Selenite, Manganous Oxide, Copper Sulfate, Cobalt Carbonate, Calcium Iodate, Vitamin A , Vitamin D-3, Vitamin E Supplement.
FMS 39% Protein Block should be fed to cattle, and goats with an adequate supply of roughage. Blocks should be supplied at the rate of approximately 25 per 100 head of cattle, and 5 per 100 head of goats. The blocks should be distributed over pasture area to be grazed. The consumption is controlled by the amount of salt, hardness and several other factors. Consumption will vary depending on the availability of roughage and weather conditions, but should average 1.5 pounds per head per day for an adult animal. Consumption will increase when blocks are placed near water or where cattle congregate.
For ruminants only (cattle and goats). Do not feed to horses.
CAUTION:Follow label directions. Two (2) pounds of this product will supply 3 mg selenium.
WARNING:This feed contains urea and should only be fed to ruminants consuming adequate amounts of energy and roughage.
1. Never put out more blocks than the label directs.
2. Never feed old or moldy feed products.
3. Never feed blocks that have become soft due to age or environmental conditions.
4. Never feed this product to animals that have been starved or underfed.
5. If animal appears to overeat, remove the products and reintroduce slowly at one-half of normal rate.
6. Observe your animals. Always remove feed products if any abnormal behavior is noted. Consult your veterinarian or nutritionist.
WARNING: This product contains added Copper and should not be fed to sheep, or any species that has a low tolerance to supplemental Copper.