Super-Min™ Bags


The best mix of bagged vitamins- mineral supplements.

These mineral formulations are concentrated to be fed free-choice or top dressed on grain in low doses. 

Our bagged minerals are typically 50lbs and are available in several formulations that differ for the animal and the ranchers’ specific needs.  Read the tags below and click to link to more information.

University of Florida report on Trace Mineral Needs in Cattle   UF Research on Trace Minerals

These products are not sold in our on-line store.  Please contact us if you need more information on how to buy these products or others.  Contact Us


This Products are NOT sold Online


Super-Min 4 Big Red Mineral Sulfate-Free

Super-Min 10 Mineral Sulfate-Free 

Super-Min 10 Cattle Booster Mineral with Organic Selenium

Super-Min Ranger 7 Special Pasture Supplement Sulfate-Free

Super-Min Ranger 20 Pasture Supplement for Cattle Sulfate-Free

Super-Min Breeder Mineral Sulfate-Free 

Super-Min Florida Beef Hi SE Range Mineral IGR Weatherized Fly Control

Super-Min Range Mineral WIGR Fly Control

Super-Min Hi Mag Mineral for Beef Cattle on Lush Pasture